Panamorph Paladin DCR+XM2 Cinema Format Projector Conversion Lens System


Panamorph’s flagship lens model for native 17:9 projectors showing Digital Cinema Resolution (DCR) format up to true 8K large enough to work with many future 17:9 home theater projectors.** future compatibility of the lens and attachment system is not guaranteed but the large lens aperture will likely pass future projector beams.


Exceed commercial cinema quality by engaging the internal anamorphic modes of todays 4K projectors to add 2.6 million more pixels of clarity and 38% more brightness when showing movies and streaming content in the cinema format. Delivering the pinnacle of home theater performance from the most recognized and most recommended anamorphic lens brand used in close to 10,000 of the highest end home theaters throughout the world. Winner of the CEPro Product of Year for both 2019 (Paladin DCR Lens) and 2020 (DCR Direct Attach Lens).

Additional information

Weight N/A
