IsoAcoustics Stage Board 1 Combo Portable Isolation Platform


Get rid of the room buzz An unfortunate phenomenon occurs when a loudspeaker is placed directly on a floor or stage: some of the sound output will transfer vibrational energy to the floor as well as into the air, wasting acoustic energy and detracting from the pure sound the speaker was intended to reproduce. This…


Get rid of the room buzz An unfortunate phenomenon occurs when a loudspeaker is placed directly on a floor or stage: some of the sound output will transfer vibrational energy to the floor as well as into the air, wasting acoustic energy and detracting from the pure sound the speaker was intended to reproduce. This is especially true with low bass tones, which you want to hear from the speaker not from a vibrating floor. The IsoAcoustics Stage 1 Board Combo isolation platform solves this issue by de-coupling your speaker cabinet, stage monitor, or speaker/amp combo from stage surfaces so the sound gets delivered consistently, cleanly, and efficiently with no musical energy wasted going in the wrong direction. Include an isolation platform with your gig gear

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